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Bespoke staff training

Some of the most exciting work that Plan A has been  involved in is a rolling programme of bespoke staff development. Across a large MAT we offer training and coaching on a personal basis to individual staff. Visiting the schools weekly to fit in with  timetables,staff are offered coaching and training in line with their needs. The targets and desired outcomes have been reached between the staff and their leaders. Staff feel valued and professional learning is a strength of the MAT.

With recruitment being at crisis point, your staff are worth the investment. 

Departmental Consistancy

Working with a specific team or department has significant gains. 

As we strive for consistency in access to learning, delivery of lessons, pedagogy and curriculum offer it is crucial that we all hear the same message and are supported to reach the agreed goals. 

Plan A can support the teaching and learning strategies that will have the greatest impact on closing gaps, maximising attainment and most importantly ensuring that our students have the best opportunities to succeed.

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That all encompassing word that for some is set out to be idealistic, for others is for ever out of reach unyet for students is the golden thread of access. 

Plan A will offer creative tools to provide differentiation in more than six spheres of classroom practice. Staff will be able to lift strategies straight into lessons and students will forever be grateful for the change. What do your staff understand by differentiation and how is it consistently applied?

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I do - We do - You do

How often have you seen teacher frustration as they deliver their lesson and instructions for the learning activity, only to be faced with a plethora of hands up and students claiming to not understand what to do?

Plan A has embedded this simple lesson structure effectively into whole schools with the tangible outcome being clarity and independent work. Contact us and find out how we can offer this INSET to your learning environment. It will increase pace of learning and develop independence amongst our students.

Rock Balancing
What was that you said?

The feedback trends are many and the effectiveness is minimal in so many cases. With marking being one of the top causes for poor staff wellbeing, time needs to be given to making this right. 

Plan A can work with your school to offer a variety of effective feedback methods. If it doesn't Improve the learning then it's not worth the time. 

Let's be stronger together by providing your staff the framework for feedback that maximises impact and minimises time required. Your staff will give you a huge 'Thank You' for investing in this!

Thank You not Please!

The top concern requiring support in teaching and learning is the management of behaviour. How can that be true when detentions are clearly available? Because detentions rarely result in changed student behaviour. 

There is another way - positive behaviour management is not a soft touch - it is an effective rethink of how to engage students and obtain compliance when we need it. Do you need this in your school? I am going to guess yes! It will blow the mind of some staff but the rules of delivery are clear and the implementation is straight forward. Book it now, thank you.

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