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  • Adèle

It is never too late...

Time …

We crave it, we waste it … now we have it, we don’t know what to do with it.

This surreal time reminds me of this Salvador Dali image. Time creating memories, seeming warped, being precious but now distorted.

I am privileged to be able to work with teachers daily and engage in practical and pedagogical discussions regarding learning, leadership, development, and everything that is education.

Nobody saw this time coming. Working remotely, supporting identified students in school, supporting colleagues, managing our families, and doing all we can to stay physically and mentally well.

Professionally how can we choose to use this time?

Overwhelming generosity prevails online with free resources for students, for families supporting learning at home and for staff training. I have seen amazing and creative posts to support and uplift students and adults alike. Let this be something that remains once the virus has faded.

As professionals, if we are well, reading for development is a positive way to spend our time. I am a self-confessed prolific educational reader and always seem to buy more books than I manage to read. I will be using some of this time to self-indulge into the unread bookshelf enabling me to improve my practice, develop training for others and continue to develop my authenticity with the exploration of pedogeological theories.

Remote working clearly bring challenges, however it also allows us the opportunity to offer individual support and interaction. Individual student feedback via virtual platforms of learning, emails to colleagues to engage in strategic development, once the operational technological issues have been resolved and of course personal development.

Being kind to each other and supporting those around us is the most valuable way we can spend our time. If the prospect of staying at home for an extended period leaves you overwhelmed, then of course reach out via technology for community and comradery. Teachers give the best banter I know and even in these uncertain times, it may be what you need for a spirit boost.

In the context of all the above, I will do my best to support teachers and leaders on my website and social media over the foreseeable future. If you have twenty minutes or so then the podcast ‘Pens down, Listen up’ has some episodes of curriculum development and authentic leadership that may be of interest. Short ten minute podcasts of professional development will soon be available. My website has a synopsis of my top twenty educational reads which may direct you to something of interest. Many of the discussion points on the podcasts are transferable to all areas of life and so may provide support for personal development.

Authenticity is an important value of my work and sometimes it is hard to find the time to reflect on what you truly value for children, for staff and indeed for yourself. I also believe that your authentic self continues to develop and is not a static entity. Critical moments, such as the one we all find ourselves in now, can shift our focus and make us realign priorities and values. These can for certain then be shifted into our work selves and our personal presentations of actions and behaviour. I will explore, via my website, the development of our authentic selves and I hope this may provide some interest, distraction, or development for some of you.

“It is never too late to be what you might have been”.

George Elliot

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